"Jack and the Beanstalk" by John Crocker and Eric Gilder

Directed by Nicky Lally

Produced by Tracey Woods

Musical Director - Clare Penny

January 2002

Northern Scot Picture

Bubble and Squeak (Tracy Home & John Raine) with the Chorus

King Umpty the Umpteenth (Pete Wright-Gardner) with the Chorus

Jack (Dolina Boynton) with the King and the Chorus

Fairy Evergreen (Lisa Pitter)

Demon Pestblight (Brian Jiggins)

Simple Simon (Al Reeves)

Simple Simon andJumping Joan (Claire Nagle)

Dame Durden (Paul Woods) Simple Simon and Jack

The Chorus - "In the Groove!"

Jack and Princess Felicia (Lisa Lund)

Dame Durden, the Pieman (Mark Shevill) and Simple Simon

Dame Durden

Giant Blunderbore (Chris Hewett and Mick Godden)

Princess Felicia and the Harp (TJ Picken)

Bubble & Squeak, Dame Durden, Jumping Joan and Daisy the Cow(Lucy Battersby and Kelly Brock)

The Grand Finale

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